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Toyonokuni Yufuin Genryu Taiko

The rhythm of the soul.


Toyonokuni Yufuin Genryu Taiko has established in 1979.

Since its establishment in 1979, Toyonokuni Yufuin Genryu Taiko has had numerous taiko performances and appearances within Japan and abroad.  They have performed in concerts in more than 60 countries overseas, including the opening of the Shanghai World Expo and the French International Music Festival, as well as at major events in Japan, including the National Cultural Festival.

There are currently eight members in the group. Though these members have their own career and studies, they come together to train daily and make the effort in spreading and developing the Japanese taiko culture throughout the country and abroad. 


<Leader: Tadashi Hasegawa>

Vice Chairman, Nippon Taiko Foundation

Technical Committee, Nippon Taiko Foundation

Honorary Chairman,  All Kyushu Taiko Association


In 1993, Hasegawa established the All Kyushu Taiko Association and became chairman. He became an honorary chairman in 2012 and continues to the present. In 1998, he became a board member of the Nippon Taiko Federation (now the Nippon Taiko Foundation), and in 2008 he became vice-chairman. In 2011, Hasegawa won the prestigious position (Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award) at the Japan Taiko Senior Competition.

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